Kang Won Je (b.1984~)
2019 Ph.D., Fine Arts, Hongik University, South Korea
2018 M.A.F., Fine Arts, Royal College of Art, The U.K.
2012 M.A.F., Fine Arts, Hongik University, South Korea
2009 B.A.F., Contemporary Art, Daegu University, South Korea
Solo Exhibitions
2023 Because it will be gone soon, ROY Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Games Without End, JJ Joongjung Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2022 This is not the end, Daegu art center, Daegu, Korea
Going home, ERE Gallery, Seoul
2021 00, ERD Gallery, Seoul
From painting to painting, Glassbox Artstar in
Bongsan Culture Centre, Daegu
2020 Get away from the painting, 19.48 Gallery, Seoul,
2019 Project Running Painting, No.265, ERD Gallery, Seoul,
2015 Running Painting, Cyart Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Encounter, Hongik University Museum, Seoul, Korea
2013 Organic Objects, KEPCO Art Centre, Seoul, Korea
2011 Strange Objects, INSA Art Centre, Seoul, Korea
Group Exhibitions
2023 Painting Zero, Yoonsun Gallery,
Layers, Arte K, Seoul, Korea
Continuity of change, JJ JoongJung Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Phase Variation, Gwangju Museum of Art(하정웅 미술관), Gwangju, Korea
2022 유기적인 연결, 배회하는 완결, 523 Kunstdoc, Busan, Korea
Funcky-Function, Daegu art museum, Daegu, Korea
2021 밀도, 밀접, 밀합, SAMUSIL, Daegu
2020 Be True, Cian Museum, Youngchun
The Moment When Meaninglessness Becomes Meaning, JJ Joong Jung Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Metaphorically, Space be Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2019 AGENDA Highway 1111, Miro Center, Gwangju,Korea
Very Small Regards, Woojin Space, Jeounju, Korea
Art Prize Gangnam, Prize Hall(Temporary Space), Seoul, Korea
4482, Cello Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Mimesis, Ansung Spa, Uiseong-gun
Shattered Visage, Unlimited House, London
2018 The Great Artist, Posco Museum, Seoul, Korea
Degree Show, Sackler Building in Royal College of Art, London
Orbit Art Graduate, Barge House, London
Thumbnails, Hockney Gallery, London
Whipped Up, Kunstraum Gallery, London
2017 The Road Not Taken, Hospital Club Gallery, London
an Excuse, Square Gallery, London
Under the see, Crypt Gallery, London
Work in Progress, Sackler Building in RCA, London
2015 Crossbreeding, Alternative space-Art Forum Lee, Buchen, Korea
Young&Young, Youngeun Museum, Kwangju, Korea
2014 n/1" Totatoka Gallery, Busan, Korea
Ongoing, Openspace Bae, Busan, Korea
MANNAM, Espace San frontier, Paris
Romantic resistance, KIMI Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2013 Birth, Yangpyung Museum, Yangpyung, Korea
2012 Can you find me?, Ilhyun Museum, Kangwon-Do, Korea
2011 Hi Block, Space Hyun, Seoul, Korea
The spectacle of society, Interalia Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2009 Young Blood, 4Walls Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Boiling point, Kunstdoc Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2014 Espace san frontier, Paris
2018 Posco Museum, "The Great Artist"
“Orbit Art Graduate”
2014 Cyart gallery in Korea "New Discourse"
Openspace Bae "Incubating Programme"
Kimi Art Gallery "Kimi for you"
Youngeun Museum "Young&Young"
2013 KEPCO Art Center Supporting Solo Exhibition